Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Become A Member

Hey all you Stalkers out there.....Come on and join us. If you want to become an official member of Stalkerfest 2009 let us know and we will add you to the list. Just email us at Stalkerfest09@gmail.com and we will get you your official Stalkerfest 2009 number. You never know what else you might get. Good things are coming in 2009. Lets Get This!

Glitter Word GeneratorGlitter Word GeneratorGlitter Word GeneratorGlitter Word GeneratorGlitter Word Generator
Glitter Word GeneratorGlitter Word GeneratorGlitter Word GeneratorGlitter Word GeneratorGlitter Word GeneratorGlitter Word GeneratorGlitter Word GeneratorGlitter Word GeneratorGlitter Word GeneratorGlitter Word GeneratorGlitter Word Generator


  1. Hey sign me in Girlies! I want some fun with this! I swear by your NKOTB rules!! LETS PARTY!!!


  2. Love the blog! Yes I'll be a memeber of Stalker Fest '09. You are my source for all things New Kids! Long Live The Block!

    Also thanks for answering my question today! I am going to be the coolest aunt ever (neice is more like a close friend since we are 3 years apart!).


Please be respectful. If you don't like New Kids...then I suggest you exit out and not read, but this is for our enjoyment, please don't post your negativity or spew your hate here. ALL COMMENTS ARE MODERATED to prevent the Icky-people from ruining our fun!